Migrated to Linux

If you would have asked me a few years ago, whether I was going to migrate my servers to Linux? I would have laughed and not even consider it. Since 2004 I have hosted all my own servers on the FreeBSD OS. I had one CentOS machine, because OpenXchange on FreeBSD was not the best experience. But now, in 2019, all my servers are running one of the Linux OS’es. Mainly Ubuntu....

September 10, 2019 459 words 3 min

FreeBSD Dutch Documentation Project

So. It had been a while before I had proper time to look into the Dutch translation efforts again. History Due to various reasons not discussed here, I was not able to see to a proper translation. Rene did a lot of work (thank you for that Rene!). The PO system First of all, i am going to discuss a bit about the PO system, which is a gettext way of doing translations....

March 22, 2017 591 words 3 min

Kobo readers using the internet

So I have this situation, where I couldn’t get my kobo reader to connect to the internet and fetch updates and/or use kobo+ for example. I started debugging with Ubiquiti ages ago to see where the problem lies. In the meantime I was unable to continue with this, but I had an interesting thought yesterday. I sniffed the traffic from the hardware (mac) address of the ereader and noticed that it tried to resolve: www....

March 22, 2017 379 words 2 min